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April 12, 2023

OWASP top 10 API Security Vulnerabilities – Injection

Introduction Injection refers to the risk of attackers injecting malicious code or commands into ...

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April 12, 2023

OWASP top 10 API Security vulnerabilities – Broken Function Level Authorization

Introduction Broken Function Level Authorization refers to the risk of improper authorization con...

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April 12, 2023

OWASP top 10 API Security vulnerabilities – Excessive Data Exposure

Introduction Excessive Data Exposure refers to the risk of exposing sensitive data through APIs, ...

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April 12, 2023

OWASP top 10 API Security vulnerabilities – Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

Introduction Insufficient Logging and Monitoring refers to the risk of APIs not having proper log...

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April 12, 2023

OWASP top 10 API Security vulnerabilities – Improper Asset Management

Introduction Improper Asset Management refers to the risk of APIs not properly managing or securi...

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April 12, 2023

OWASP top 10 API Security vulnerabilities – Security Misconfiguration

Introduction Security Misconfiguration refers to the risk of APIs being improperly configured, wh...

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