© 2024 Prancer Enterprise


December 11, 2021

Prancer IaC Security scanner prevents sensitive files to be checked in to remote repositories

In this blog post, we want to describe a new feature of Prancer Cloud Security Platform Static Co...

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December 9, 2021

Prancer announces the release of the Visual Studio Code extension for Infrastructure as Code security

San Diego, CA – December 9th 2021 – Prancer Enterprise, a company specialized in Infr...

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December 6, 2021

How Prancer can detect secrets in IaC templates

Introduction: What is IaC? as a DevOps engineer, I have to confess that I have checked in Infrast...

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November 2, 2021

How to use the Query feature in the Prancer platform

Introduction The Query feature is a powerful tool inside the Prancer platform that can be used to...

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October 19, 2021

How to use Prancer unified reporting feature for IaC Static code analysis and CSPM

Unified Reporting: Streamlining Data for Better Insights Prancer cloud security platform provides...

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October 7, 2021

How Prancer protects Azure VMs from Critical “OMIGOD” vulnerabilities

Wiz.io, a security research firm, recently found four vulnerabilities in Microsoft’s Open M...

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