San Diego, CA – December 9th 2021 – Prancer Enterprise, a company specialized in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Security and Shift Left strategies, announces the release of its Visual Studio Code Extention. Prancer VSCode extension is now available in the marketplace to download. This extension is the primary tool that infrastructure as code (IaC) developers use to write IaC templates and understand the security misconfigurations in their code early in the process.
Prancer IaC VSCode extension is published to VSCode marketplace. Infrastructure as Code and DevOps engineers can download this extension from their VSCode IDE. The developer needs to have a valid API token to call Prancer backend API to enable this extension. A one-time registration is involved before using the extension. after registering for a free account in Prancer, developers can generate an API token and use the extension.
Prancer VSCode extension supports almost all standard IaC templates. This includes Azure ARM template, AWS Cloud Formation and GCP Deployment files. Moreover, third-party IaC formats are supported like Hashicorp Terraform. This extension supports Kubernetes objects and Helm charts as well. New IaC formats based on the Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) are also supported, including Azure ASO, AWS ACK, and Google KCC formats.
By opening each IaC file in VSCode, or saving a new version of the file, Prancer VSCode extension automatically kicks in and starts scanning the code. If it finds any security misconfiguration, it shows the right message on the screen for the DevOps engineer. The Prancer VSCode extension also provides the remediation of IaC template, in case the developer is interested in that one.
Prancer Enterprise platform helps companies achieve end-to-end security in the cloud by shifting security to the left and applying it early in the development process. Cloud DevOps engineers could have early feedback on the security of the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates with every commit they are making to the code, which significantly enhances the security posture of the cloud environment. The Prancer Enterprise security platform is the leading tool companies should implement DevSecOps into their current pipelines.
Prancer Enterprise Cloud Compliance repository has more than 1000 policies on the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Security and post-deployment resources. This unique Cloud compliance policy repository is the most significant contribution to the open-source community based on the de facto OPA Rego policy language.
The VSCode extension is the essential tool Prancer offers to promote the shift-left strategy and empower developers. The Visual Studio Code extension uses the same engine from the Prancer cloud and can be configured to suit the requirements of each developer.
Here is the link to download the VSCode extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Prancer.prancer
About Prancer
Prancer Enterprise (https://www.prancer.io) provides a pre-deployment and post-deployment multi-cloud security platform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and live cloud environments. It shifts the security to the left and provides end-to-end security scanning based on the Policy as Code concept. DevOps engineers can use it for static code analysis on IaC to find security drifts and maintain their cloud security posture with continuous compliance features. The company is the leading provider of IaC Security and DevSecOps pipeline for cloud infrastructure.