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What is SQL Injection Attack? Examples and Prevention

January 25, 2025
What is SQL Injection Attack Examples and Prevention

Thus, would you view your website as a fortress? What if there was a way that people could get past an inch thick steel door? That’s how SQL Injection works: it uses holes in your system to get to your sensitive data. SQL injection is one of the cyber security related things that involve the attacks of databases for purpose of having data breach and the access of database of confidential data without control. Database driven applications and a business model require a learning and combative SQL Injection. And at Prancer, we are all about automated penetration testing. They’re vulnerabilities that you’re finding and then you’re locking them down before people can get to them. 

What is SQL Injection?

SQL Injection is a kind of digital attack on a database where you change SQL (Structured Query Language) queries in the database to insert let you exploit the database. As attackers, they inject malicious SQL statements in input fields to make the database do something it didn’t plan with the injection code. This can result in full data access in the server, or not with permission and data is destroyed or reset. 


SQL Injection is an exploit tool — specifically used for bad coding and input validation. For instance, if your login form is sanitized and there are no inputs but is vulnerable to tolerate the input of malicious data and to allow users to perform a bypass authentication or extract sensitive information. 

How Does SQL Injection Work?

  1. Identifying Input Points: Usually, attackers will be scanning for fields that have user input; e.g. login forms, search fields, or even URL parameters.


  2. Injecting Malicious SQL Commands: Instead, they are playing with database queries, inserting specially crafted SQL statements.


  3. Exploiting the Database: The vulnerability determines what an attacker can do whether it be accessing sensitive information, modifying data or disrupting services.


Take that as an example, say we have a login form that an attacker can now type ‘ OR ‘1’=’1′ and somehow fool the database into giving you access to whoever enters that as their credentials. 

Common Types of SQL Injection

  1. Classic SQL Injection 
    It’s about knowingly inserting malicious SQL queries in input fields itself. This is the simplest and most popular way. 

  2. Blind SQL Injection 
    For the type, the attackers make all sorts of attempts to read information from the database without getting any feedback. They ask true or false questions about the database structure and get their insights there. 

  3. Error-Based SQL Injection 
    After forcing the database to produce error messages, attackers exploit the error messages to derive both the structure and the weaknesses of the database. 

  4. Union-Based SQL Injection 
    This technique allows us to obtain a set of data via the combined results of numerous queries and UNION operator. 

  5. Boolean-Based SQL Injection 
    In fact, these attackers here are exploiting conditional SQL queries to tease one bit at a time. 

SQL Injection Examples

Example 1: Login Form Exploit

A vulnerable login form might execute this query: 

					SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'input' AND password = 'input';

An attacker could input:

					' OR '1'='1

This alters the query to:

					SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '' OR '1'='1' AND password = '' OR '1'='1';

Resulting in unauthorized access. 

Example 2: Extracting Data

An attacker might use the following:

					SELECT name, credit_card FROM customers WHERE id = 1 UNION SELECT username, password FROM admin;

This combines sensitive information from different tables, exposing confidential data.

Impact of SQL Injection Attacks

The consequences of an SQL Injection attack can be devastating: 

  • Data Breaches: All your customer information, payment details, all that can be taken. That’s what your customer information, payment details and intellectual property are. 


  • Financial Losses: If they are prosecuted for it, they will be fined heavily, face lawsuits, and lose money from the economy. 


  • Reputation Damage: Companies will absolutely not give zero trust on compromising on customers data. 


  • Operational Disruption: Business continuity can fail, and systems can lose the ability to be usable. 

How to Detect SQL Injection

  1. Manual Testing 
    Security professionals test input fields manually and make use of many different payloads to check for security problems.


  2. Automated Tools
    Tools like OWASP ZAP and SQLMap scan applications for SQL Injection flaws.


  3. Log Analysis 
    An attack will indicate in the logs that should be monitored for unusual database activity.


  4. Penetration Testing 
    Using tools like Prancer gives us a way to test finding all the vulnerabilities in an automated way. 

SQL Injection Prevention Tips

  1. Input Validation 
    This will sanitize and validate your user inputs, so it can only be in the form it expects.


  2. Parameterized Queries 
    Write your query using prepared statements and using parameterized query and separate SQL code from inputs.


  3. Stored Procedures 
    SQL stored logic encapsulation and reduce the direct manipulation of the reason has been stored in the stored procedures.


  4. Least Privilege Principle 
    Set database access rights to the minimum number of rights a user or application needs to use.


  5. Web Application Firewalls (WAF) 
    A WAF prevents malicious inputs from reaching your database. 


  6. Regular Updates 
    Address known issues by updating your software, frameworks and plugins. 

Inject security into your systems—book a demo with Prancer today!

Role of Automated Penetration Testing

Automated penetration testing tools such as those Prancer provides are important to find SQL Injection vulnerabilities. These are real world attacks tools, these will find hidden flaws and provide comprehensive actionable insights, which can improve your security posture. However, manual testing is slow and inconsistent, therefore automated tools exist to prevent it missing anything. 

SQL Injection prevention Prancer’s expertise

One of the things that Prancer is a specialty of doing is doing automated penetration testing to prevent your applications from SQL Injection attacks. Our testing framework goes beyond vulnerabilities by sweeping through them, generating further reports on the vulnerabilities, and providing solutions to address the issue. Prancer’s expertise is helpful to businesses in helping businesses be proactive in the way in which they defend their systems and make their databases as secure as possible. 


No matter what vulnerability we are discussing, SQL Injections are a problem that organizations around the world face today. If you know how it works, you know how important it is and you establish robust, hard prevention tools that protect your data. Automated penetration testing tools, as well as expert guidance from Prancer, helps businesses keep one step ahead of attackers and protect their important assets. Respond nimble; don’t wait for a breach.