© 2025 Prancer Enterprise
Using prancer-cli with Azure DevOps
January 1, 1970
Cloud Security Validation

In order to use prancer-cli for DevOps Pipelines in Microsoft Azure, you can follow the below steps:

  • To use an official VM Image agent with Ubuntu that comes with Python 3, for this example we used: `vmImage: ‘ubuntu-18.04’`

    Create a YAML file named azure-pipelines.yml with the below content:

- master
vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04'
- script:

pip3 –version
sudo pip3 install prancer-cli==1.0.6
displayName: ‘prepare-env’
– script:

prutil -a create
prutil -t default_container -o
displayName: ‘run-test’

  • Define secrets variables.
    • Go to Pipelines

  • Click on the pipeline you are working on, then click on Edit

  • Select `Variables`, then click on `+`. When creating the variable mark `Keep this value secret` to ensure the variable will be kept as a secret in the logs.

  • At this point what is missing is to run the Pipeline, for this you can do it manullay by selecting the Pipeline, then click on `Run`.

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